In the past few months:
We tiled the kitchen! Goodbye subfloor covered in leveler, hello white tile! Josh and a friend laid the tile, Josh and I grouted at midnight while Jacob slept, and I sealed the grout in steps while Jacob napped. Our kitchen is now almost done, we just need a few finishing touches (like painting the door and putting up crown molding). I can't wait to share more, it's been a long and crazy road for this kitchen!

We had the original floors in the living room refinished and installed new floors in the dining room. It was just painted subfloor with rugs on it before, and now we have nice wood floors!

Josh has been working with a friend to build our bathroom downstairs. The bathroom was already in when we bought the house, but like everything else it was horrid and in disgusting condition. We gutted it completely- down to tearing out the walls and siding when we found powderpost beetles (fun!) and had to also tear up the subfloors. For a couple of months, we had to teeter on floor joists to get to the laundry room, with the exposed ground and dirt underneath. Needless to say, I am SO EXCITED that we now have a nearly complete bathroom!

This weekend Josh focused on building out this wall in our living room. This house is full of the weirdest angles, and for some reason this wall has funny angles cut into it. We will be building up a solid wall instead of the stair pickets so we have more wall space. Since the front door opens right into our living room, we need all the wall space we can have to hang coat hooks and other stuff on. There is also a tiny triangular landing on the top of the stairs, and it's such a waste of space. We will be squaring it off and turning it into a little office for Josh. We will also then be able to install stair treads and finish installing floors on the landing.

Phew! This house remodeling business has been fun, hard, frustrating, and exciting. We are really looking forward to having a finished and decorated home to live in, but this experience will be one we will never forget! You can see all the craziness of gutting and remodeling a house (while living in it) right here!
Oh, and on the topic of house stuff: have you ever dismantled your dishwasher and cleaned it completely out? Do it if you like clean dishes and being grossed out.
(you can see all the craziness of gutting and remodeling a house while living in it right here!)